Monday, June 4, 2012

Cherokee & Nebraska Saturday Evening

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  1. Why was the building on this corner demolished? Is there new construction planned for the site?

  2. I saw that hole when I was on the indie crawl on Saturday and I was amazed by how different that lot looks now. Was there no hope for that property?

  3. The building that was just demolished did have some issues. See my previous post:

    I understand that there were some issues with the east wall, but not sure how bad. The point of my previous post was that even with problems, a building can be rehabilitated as the building on the opposite corner was. The area is a National Register historic district, so a buyer would have been able to get Missouri and federal historic tax credits to do the rehabilitation (assuming the end use would be commercial on the first floor and rental apartment or office above). I don't think LRA did much to market the building or its possibilities.

    I am not aware of any plans for new construction on the site.
