Saturday, August 1, 2009

East Wing of the San Luis is almost gone

The roof of the former DeVille Motor Hotel drapes over the truncated stump of the east wing of the E-shaped building.

View from Lindell Boulevard of the demolished east wing and the growing piles of rubble.

An eerie unobstructed view of the central wing of the DeVille is now opened by the removal of the east wing.

The once entirely glass faced north elevation is stripped down to the bare concrete structure.


  1. I remember that one reason the DeVille could not be redeveloped was because the interior was chopped up into little motel rooms. Demo shows what the spokesman already knew: the building's structure would have allowed any redevelopment that anyone actually wanted to do...

  2. Funny thing, steel skeleton buildings--wasn't that why they were invented in the first place over a hundred years ago? You know, so you can configure the walls any way your little heart desires?

  3. Is it too late to fill the bulldozer's gas tanks with sugar?

  4. Such a sad, sad sight. And I think poor foresight on the part of the Central West End.

  5. Demo shows what the spokesman already knew: the building's structure would have allowed any redevelopment that anyone actually wanted to do...

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