Wednesday, December 31, 2008

SLU Rings in the New Year with Destruction

Happy New Year from St. Louis University!!

4056 Washington Avenue survived 117 years as its surrounding neighborhood thrived, declined through the middle of the last century, began to revive on blocks to the west, south and north. The mansion received what seemed to be salvation as a former owner took it from the state of derelict rooming house with an almost complete renovation, but it would not survive even two months under ownership by SLU.


  1. ...and so SLU a/k/a The Borg assimilates another property. I'm beginning to think that resistance is fultile!

  2. this is criminal, when will SLU be stopped?

    here is the appraised value BEFORE destruction

    Assessed land: $8,550.00
    Assessed improvements: $77,540.00
    Assessed total: $86,090.00
    Appraised total: $453,100.00

    what a waste, SLU has no respect for the community and the character that is left, another irreplaceable building gone

  3. SLU belongs out in the county somewhere.

  4. It seems so ironic to me that a school with such a long history itself would do something like this to the community history from which it originated. Haven't some colleges been able to effectively incorporate old neighborhood structures into the style of their campus? Leadership must be extremely shortsighted over there at the moment...shame

  5. I look forward to seeing what big plans my alma mater has for this property. I'm guessing vacant lot.

  6. I loved this house, and drove by it every day. I was so sad to see it being torn down the other week - I had no idea that it was SLU doing it. How awful.

  7. I want to say I am shocked by this irrational behavior by SLU and Biondi, but I am not. SLU is on a warpath destroying virtually anything around its campus that is more than 50 years old; absolutely functional and good condition historic buildings are being bulldozed faster than McKee can destroy North STL! A boycott of all things SLU: games, events, advertisers of such events, etc, is in order!

  8. Or, a civic empowerment group and political action committee that can mobilize for community visibility, and have something concrete to mobilize around.

  9. This is the unfortunately logical conclusion of leadership born and raised entirely within the era of suburbanization in America. They have no shame because they know nothing else.
